Anette Kolmos

PhD, Professor, UNESCO Chairholder 

Aalborg University,

Fibigerstaede 13, 
DK-9920 Aalborg O 

Phone: + 45 99408307

Fax: +45 98151085



Anette Kolmos: PhD, Professor in Engineering Education and PBL and Chairholder for UNESCO Chair in Problem Based Learning in Engineering Education, Aalborg University. Dr. Kolmos has a PhD in "Gender, Technology and Education" (1989).  During the last 20 years, she has conducted research in the following areas,: Change to PBL curriculum, development of transferable skills and faculty development. She is actively involved in developing profile of Engineering Education Research in Europe as well as internationally. She holds the Chair of SEFI working group on Engineering Education Research and she is President-Elect for SEFI 2008-2009. Dr. Kolmos is associate editor for European Journal of Engineering Education, SEFI and has served as associate editor for Journal of Engineering Education. She has published more than 140 articles in various journals. She is coordinator for the EU-project, Socrates project, PBL-Engineering which is developing the master programme: Problem Based Learning in Engineering and Science.  



Extended CV


Research activities